Your Contribution is Our Light
We ask Members to contribute to SGC on an ongoing basis.
We are also committed to facilitating ceremony for all, regardless of economic status.
Your Donation is Tax Deductible
The Sacred Garden Community is registered as a California Nonprofit Religious Corporation (Cal. Corp. Code § 9111). This makes your donations tax deductible and we will send you a recognition of your contribution at the end of the year for tax purposes. The Nonprofit Religious Corporation Law authorizes the formation of a corporation primarily or exclusively for "religious purposes". Cal. Corp. Code § 9111. Among other things, the Attorney General has far less supervisory powers with respect to a religious corporation than a nonprofit or public benefit corporation.Aug 31, 2022
The IRS automatically recognizes churches as 501(c) (3) charitable organizations if they meet the IRS requirements. There is no need for churches to seek formal recognition from the IRS or submit annual information returns (though they have the option to do so).
Make a one time donation
If you interested in Membership Tithing (reoccurring donations) click here
Special Initiatives
Sacred Garden Community would like to make it easy to donate to the causes we believe in.
Existential Palliative Ministry Fund
The Sacred Garden Community Existential Palliative Ministry serves individuals facing life-threatening or life-limiting situations (including but not limited to advanced age and terminal diagnosis). To attend to the unique and pressing existential, religious, and spiritual needs of these individuals within this lifetime, SGC develops and offers special liturgies within this ministry. Your donation to this ministry supports SGC in offering these sacrament-assisted meditations to all appropriate Seekers regardless of their financial situation. Please help us expand our capacity to serve those looking to experience the Divine during this particularly challenging time of life. Learn more about the ministry here:
DonateWant to do more?
Do you feel called to contribute in ways that aren't listed here?
If you are comfortable tithing 1-2% of your annual income on a monthly basis, please consider making an additional one-time to our Existential Palliative Ministry Fund or to our general fund by clicking the Donate button below.
Additionally if you would like to volunteer with SGC let us know by clicking here.
Thank you for you contribution.
Donate to SGC General Fund