
SGC Facilitation Intensive Application

This 4-day in-person immersion workshop is suited both for those seeking to learn more about facilitating sacrament-assistant meditation as well as those who wish to pursue ordination with SGC. For those seeking ordination we prioritize applicants who have previous facilitation experience, are members of SGC and are sincere in their religious practice. For a more through description of what we are looking for in our Ordination Process, please view our prerequisites

If you know you want to attend our training, either for personal development or as a step toward ordination, please fill out the application below and we will contact you to schedule an interview.

If have questions or would like to know more, please consider visiting us by attending one of our events or contacting [email protected].  

Click the button below to start.


You will be answering these prompts:

1. Tell us about yourself. 
A 2 - 3 paragraph biography is ideal; a CV or resume or any links you can provide to give us more of a sense of you, including but not limited to social media, artist portfolios, Bandcamp or other music sharing sites if your a musician, etc.. 

2. Tell us about your training in these realms. 
Please list certifications, trainings, academic degrees, licensures and apprenticeships you've completed, noting the tradition/modality as well as teacher/organization.

3. Tell us about your experience so far in these realms. 
Please share about your personal experience with sacraments and ceremonies. Please also share about any ceremonies you have lead/facilitated.

4. Tell us about your personal development. 
Please share about your personal growth and self-care practices; what kinds of modalities/lineages you are currently engaged in as part of your personal practice.

5. Tell us about your readiness to step into this calling. 
Please share about why you are called to do this training at this time in your life.

Question 2 of 11

What is your membership status in the Sacred Garden Community?


I'm brand new to SGC


I have joined the mailing list and attended at least one online and/or in-person event.


I am a Member (I've started tithing and have been to multiple events)


I am a Practitioner (I have been confirmed and completed an intake and am eligible to attend SGC ceremony)


I am not sure / am still unclear about difference between a Member and a Practitioner



Question 3 of 11

Tell us about yourself. 

A 2 - 3 paragraph biography is ideal; a CV or resume or any links you can provide to give us more of a sense of you, including but not limited to social media, artist portfolios, Bandcamp or other music sharing sites if your a musician, etc.. 

Question 4 of 11

Tell us about your training in these realms.

Please list certifications, trainings, academic degrees, licensures and apprenticeships you've completed, noting the tradition/modality as well as teacher/organization. 

Question 5 of 11

Tell us about your experience so far in these realms. 

Please share about your personal experience with sacraments and ceremonies. Please also share about any ceremonies you have lead/facilitated.

Question 6 of 11

Tell us about your personal development. 

Please share about your personal growth and self-care practices; what kinds of modalities/lineages you are currently engaged in as part of your personal practice.

Question 7 of 11

Tell us about your readiness to step into this calling. 

Please share about why you are called to do this training at this time in your life.

Question 8 of 11

What region are you in? (If there are enough Sacred Garden Community members in your area, we might be persuaded to host a facilitation workshop in your area.)

(Select all that apply)

SF Bay Area


Seattle Area


Southern California


Denver Area


Nashville, TN Area


Portland, OR



Question 9 of 11

Where would you be willing to travel for a facilitation workshop? 

(Select all that apply)

SF Bay Area


Seattle, WA


Denver, CO


Southern California


Nashville, TN


Portland, OR

Question 10 of 11

Do you foresee yourself being able to contribute the full reciprocity ask? Or will you need to ask for a scholarship or work-exchange spot?

Question 11 of 11

Is there any thing else you'd like to tell us?

Confirm and Submit